In my third year of college, I picked up the Lord of the Rings trilogy at the campus bookstore. I read and read and read (when I should’ve been going to class). Needless to say, I dropped out of college that semester (for which I totally blame J.R.R. Tolkien) and went to work. It was always there—the urge to write and publish something of my own. I started so many stories over the years, saving them in notebooks, on floppy discs, CDs, PCs, and laptops. Started… and never finished. I went through an all-in horse phase in my twenties, moved up north to Central California with my folks (and my horse), and soon found an amazing job at a resort/summer camp in the foothills. Many years (and horses) later, I moved out of the foothills and got a ‘real’ job (ie. not so fun, but rewarding in other ways) and my dream of publishing a book of my own took a back burner to. . . well, to everything else. I finally got serious about writing again and achieved the incredible milestone of becoming a published author. Writing is a new passion for this phase of my life, so stay turned for more stories and books to come.